Friday, March 21, 2014

Billy's Holiday...Original Songs from the Australian Motion Picture Musical

This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, jazz/blues singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the life he once knew. 

The real treat of this movie is this now rare soundtrack from 1995 featuring songs that were originally done by Billie Holiday but performed in the movie by Max Cullen himself (who manages an almost perfect impersonation of her voice). The score is jazzy, uptempo and will have you bopping, singing along and dancing around the room. 


Le rapailleur musical said...

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1000 X merci

Marty said...

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